Main Street Economics: Details, Website
CA Interiors, LLC: Details, Website
Strategic Home Media: Details, Website
Sample Design for Cat & Dog Rescue: Details
Belleville Congregational Church: Details, Website
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church: Details, Website;
Pete Richter for Sheriff: Details, Website;
2 Cents 4 Change: Details, Website;
Third Haven Friends Meeting: Details, Website;
Details, Website;
Green Energy Systems Management: Details, Website;
Oxford Meat & Seafood Company: Details, Website;
Allan Sharkey's artistic kitchens & baths: Details, Website;
Heidi Wetzel's Woven Sculptures & Baskets: Details, Website;
Kent Island Chiropractic & Rehabilitation: Details, Website;
funnel's Web Design v2.0: Details, Website;
Sugar the Cat: Details, Website;
Living Water Lutheran: Details, Website;
Portfolio: Oxford Meat & Seafood Company

Site Information:
- Website Address:;
- Design Completed: 12/2009;
- Created With: HTML, CSS, and PHP.
This site is still under construction, but the design process is complete. The owner of Oxford Meat & Seafood contacted me early in 2009 about updating his site design and adding an online store. His highest priority was the addition of the online store, so I took a very basic approach to the website: I based my design on the previous design. The addition of the online store is pending client approval.