Portfolio: Line by Line web design, version 1

Site Information:
- Line by Line web design, website version 1;
- Design Completed: 8/2010;
- Created With: HTML, CSS, and PHP.
This was my first serious attempt at re-branding my website company from funnel's Web Design to Line by Line web design. This design was meant as a transition design between the two names. To ease the transition, I kept the shell logo, though it had nothing to do with the new company name. After a year of using this design, during which time I had the fortune to create websites for some very creatively-inspiring people, I was ready to come up with something new.
The first version of the current website design was launched in August 2011. The design was updated in September 2012. The primary design change was the creation of a new header. The original header looked like this:
Other design updates included: the removal of the right and left floating boxes for most pages, the deletion of the right "Websites / Designs" box on the Portfolio page, and other minor style changes.